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Bath Vet Referrals 01225 982777
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Out of hours 01225 982777
Bath Vet Referrals 01225 982777
Small Animal Rehabilitation Centre 01225 982777

Meet Jasper - Liver Mass

This little brave dog is Jasper, he was brought in the practice to treat his anal glands but a routine blood screen revealed raised liver parameters. He came back later to see vet Nicola, who performed an abdominal ultrasound scan which showed a very large >8cm mass in his liver. X-rays of Jasper’s lungs were taken the same day which thankfully did not show any tumour spread. A follow up abdominal ultrasound with our referral medic Federica revealed no spread of tumour to the abdominal lymph nodes and few nodules on the spleen. Jasper had major surgery with our referral surgeon Barbara where the whole spleen and the huge liver mass were removed with specialised energy sealing devises and surgical staplers. 

Jasper has made an amazing recovery and was able to go home the next day! Even more relieved we were to hear from the lab that the splenic and liver mass – hepatocellular adenoma were both benign, meaning that the surgery was curative and Jasper could get back to his normal life with no further treatment. He quickly got back to his routine - serving as a therapy dog. What an absolute superstar!! Wishing Jasper and his loving family all the best! 😊

If you have a case that you would like to refer to us, please visit our website for further details. https://www.bathvetreferrals.co.uk/referring-vets


If you have a case that you would like to refer to us, please visit the ‘Refer a case’ section of our website.