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Bath Vet Referrals 01225 982777
Small Animal Rehabilitation Centre 01225 982777

Meet Huxley - PPDH Case

This handsome boy is Huxley during his 2 week post operative check with Barbara.


He was transferred to us as an emergency with laboured breathing. The xrays from the referring practice were highly suggestive of a diaphragmatic rupture with stomach displacement to the thoracic cavity. As the stomach was stuck, it further inflated and caused more pressure on the lungs and difficulty breathing. This condition was life threatening. 


Huxley was rushed into surgery with our referral surgeon Barbara and senior nurse Cathy. During the procedure, no rupture was found but a defect in the diaphragm called a peritoneal-pericardial diaphragmatic hernia (PPDH). Very rarely animals are born with this condition – an oversized hole in the diaphragm where organs can freely pass through the abdomen to the thoracic cavity. The stomach was quickly decompressed with a stomach tube and pulled back through the hernia to its normal position. 


Huxley was very closely monitored throughout his anaesthetics by Cathy and his lungs mechanically ventilated. The hernia was repaired and a prophylactic gastropexy (suturing the stomach to the abdominal wall) was performed to prevent the stomach from displacing again. Repeat xrays were taken to confirm organ reduction and lung inflation. Huxley recovered extremely well, started eating straight away and was discharged home the next day.

If you have a case that you would like to refer to us, please visit the ‘Refer a case’ section of our website.