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Dr Tobi Wagner

Visiting Veterinary Cardiologist

Dr Tobi Wagner - Visiting Veterinary Cardiologist
Dr Tobi Wagner Dip ECVIM-CA (Cardiology) Dr.med.vet. MRCVS Visiting Veterinary Cardiologist

RCVS Specialist in Cardiology and EBVS® European Specialist in Veterinary Cardiology

Tobi graduated from the University of Munich in 2004, where he continued working in a veterinary echocardiography research project until 2005. After completing a Small Animal Rotating Internship in Georgia, USA, Tobi worked for one year with the busy cardiology department at the University of Giessen, where he gained a lot of interventional cardiology experience. Tobi then moved to the Royal Veterinary College, London, completing his cardiology residency and attaining his ECVIM-CA(Cardiology) Diploma in 2010. After a brief spell back in Germany, Tobi returned to work full-time as a Specialist in Veterinary Cardiology.